Let the dance of life begin

I am here to sound off on anything I feel I need to voice about as well as to share and to have others share with me. My sister locks are what got this started.... so here is to celebration of my 'nappy tresses, my sister locks' and indeed life with all it offers.

My Photo
Location: Kingston, Jamaica

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas was.....

Dear Diary

For the first time in my life I was working on Christmas and although I knew it was going to be rough it was rough for real. No DH, no momee, no daddy no brothers man oh man !!! but I made it through. In hind sight the experience served the purpose and as soon as I figure it out I will let you all know(: just what that was.

So I had christmas dinner 'hotel style' and so all the traditional trimmings were missing ): but when I got home from work I made the effort to get pretty and went to dinner with my hubby (: it was fun and very pleasant. Then we just sat around and chatted (: and made the best of the moment.

And so with 08 on the horizon I can already feel it is going to be a year of hard work and challenges which will require committment but I pray fo the srength to do what I gotta do (: So I work on the eve but at least I can attempt some R&R on the day (: What do you have planned for NYE ?

one love still
ps I pray for you all a Happy New Year's and enough to keep you humble, blessed, at peace and in love with all life has to offer all the while acknowledging we are indeed on a jouney

be blessed always Still

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Mom & I

I asked a neighbour to take the photos of momee and I. Her hair is really growing and I think it will be locked faster than mine was. So enjoy and ps I love big hair & I really love my sister locks!!!!! and if you look closely you can see one of my rogue locks!!!!!! can you see huh huh huh??????

one love still

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Irie Tam & Tings

Ok truth be told I just wanted to post these pics and thought I would do a post!!! Meikmeika I am going to send the recipe!!!! so don't think I forgot(: My mum made this tam a whiles back and I think this is just the third time I am wearing it but my DH and I went for a drive last night and tho it does not snow in Ja it can get pretty nippy so I wore the tam last night and took these pics. We went to a new mega store that opened in the 'republic' and bought some chsitmas decorations and had some sorrel in the car and made a toast to the season. Sorrel is so wondeful especially since I really only have it around Christmas...yum yum. so here is momees handy work been trying to get a few more but time will tell!!!!!
one love still

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Monday, December 03, 2007

Christmas pudding

Its that time of year again and today I went to look for my cheerie gift ( at work a group of us picked names and we will give little tokens until we have a little get together and give the 'big' gift). So your truly was walking down town the 'Republic' with some of my collegues, was fun but I definately don't like crowds (: Found a really cute votive cancle holder and I hope she likes it (:

Here in Jamaica we have lots of Christmas traditions alot of them involve food, I have never done a whole Christmas dinner myself but this year I am planning to try my hand at 'Christmas pudding' and I really want to steam them. I got my prunes, currants and raisins today so I need my wine now to stew them and the other ingredients are the regular cake stuff (: The recipe I am going to use I found in a cook book , I am looking forward to it and who knows maybe I will start a new tradition of my own!!!!

one love still

Christmas dinner usually involves Ham dressed with pineapple slices and cherries, Roast chicken and beef, candid sweet potatoes, potatoe salad, sometimes turkey, mack & cheese, tossed salad and of course sorrel drink (wid lickle rum) and christmas cake (: at my house
