Let the dance of life begin

I am here to sound off on anything I feel I need to voice about as well as to share and to have others share with me. My sister locks are what got this started.... so here is to celebration of my 'nappy tresses, my sister locks' and indeed life with all it offers.

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Location: Kingston, Jamaica

Sunday, March 15, 2009

hair and here

I been thinking that the longer I have my locks is the less I feel 'sanctimonous' about them. On a quest to do my hair myself I used both sisterlock tools (which I find hard to use) a hair pin (which worked geat for he first few locks), a yarn needle which was going good until I join some locks. The sissors were brought into play and so I cut a lock and one is 'hangin' on. So in my frustration and what just falls short of a minor production I went back to the consultant who retightened my hair last semester and got it done. Took approx 5 1/2 hours and plenty popping and sissors, happy that it is over. So no ranting here I am still trying to sort out the hair thing. For now it has been retightened and I am happy. My B-ties have also been coming in handy, the longer the locks grow is the more I am able to do with them. The colour on the ends is also starting to come through as well, am I going to colour again me nuh know...I will see.

one love still
ps the haittie I am wearing here is one of my favourites :)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm totally understanding you when it comes to DIY. I know it takes patience and time but I just get so overwhelmed in the beginning and give up...

Your locks are so pretty!!!

5:45 AM  
Blogger still waters said...

Thank you. We hang in there until we get it 'right'

one love still

12:34 PM  

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