odds & ends

I have said this so many times but I have been bad with posting and with checking in on my blog buddies. Not that I do not have anything to say there is lots but I... oh well. Some changes are on the horizon but I am not going to say more just yet. Well I will say that soon I may not have an option I may need to start doing my own retightenigs (: We ie my DH and I have been busy trying to do the day to day stuff, keeping in touch with family and doing the things we think are important to us. We had another anniversary of my Bros death so we again got together shared memories of him and just spent time shaing in love with each other (friends & family). Taking one day at a time and trying not to get caught up in the fray but to keep my feet on the path of peace. My locks are 2 years and 8 months this month and they have been doing there thing. I continue to the sisterlocks products and the results have been great. I was wondering why the shampoos do not come in larger bottles ? going to have to send Dr C a note. My brunslities have been out and about as the making of my ponytail is almost complete. I have also stopped using a shower cap and just bundle everything on the to of my head at shower time. Life continues to ebb and flow but in the grand scheme of things that is what it is all about. Loving life for all it offers is what I seek to do all day every day.